The main task of eyelashes is to protect the eye from dirt, dust, insects. It’s silly how hairs that are supposed to play a protective role are being covered with layers of mascara, curled with lash curlers, tinted or extended with false lashes. We do it on a daily basis as if we forgot what lashes are really for. Similarly, nails that are to protect the finger from damage, we also tend to paint with nail polishes or apply fake nails. We also pierce ears that in fact, do not need to be prettier to hear better. For the time being, let’s forget about the significance of lashes given by the modern culture and let’s focus on their original function. What are lashes for?
Lashes – the most important facts
Eyelashes are found in all mammals. They are slightly curved upwards, rising from the upper and lower eyelids of both eyes. There are more lashes on the upper eyelid than on the lower eyelid; while the upper eyelid grows from 120 to 250 eyelashes, the lower eyelid is only from 50 to 150. In addition, the first eyelids are longer, because they measure from 8 to 12 mm, meanwhile, lower eyelashes only from 6 to 8 mm.
Eyelashes consist of 97% keratin and 3% water, which is why in this respect they do not differ from other hair on our body.
Eyelash life cycle
The lash life cycle lasts from 2 to 4 months and includes three basic phases:
1. Anagen – the period of hair growth that begins under the skin, and lasts until the hair grows above the stratum corneum.
2. Catagen – the time when the hair bulb cells die, that is, the hair has reached the target length, but it has not fallen out yet.
3. Telogen – the period during which the dead hair is pushed out by the newly growing hair.
Lash loss
We lose from 1 to 5 eyelashes on a daily basis. They die due to their natural growth cycle. However, if we notice more lashes falling out (per day) it’s probably our own fault. Regular and intensive beauty treatments, such as eyelash dyeing, curling, applying eyelash extensions, mascara and makeup removal, unfortunately, results in an increased lash loss.
Eyelash functions
Eyelashes are designed to protect the sensitive eyeball from impurities and insects. They are the equivalent of cat’s whiskers because they are so sensitive that they respond to the tiniest of stimuli, causing a defensive reflex to close the eyelids.