Eyelashes are small and exceptionally delicate hair with their own growing cycle, which bulbs continuously work producing new hair. Each tiny lash has its time for growing, dying and falling out. During this period, a new lash grows from a follicle to replace its predecessor. However, what happens when lashes start falling out in galore and the lashline is getting clearly thinner?
Why do lashes fall out?
If you notice your eyelashes falling out faster and more frequently than they used to, and when new lashes don’t really want to grow, this can mean that your organism is undergoing some alarming changes. In short, excessive eyelash loss can signalize two things:
– adverse changes taking place in your organism (weakening)
– improper eyelash care
Causes of eyelash thinning:
– chronic disease or general malaise
– medications (mostly antibiotics)
– chronic stress
– cigarette smoking
– hormonal changes
– strong make-up removing products
– old mascara
– doubtful composition of mascara
– too invasive make-up removal
– frequent eye rubbing
– unbalanced diet
– atmospheric changes (e.g. season changing)
– fake lashes attachment
– lash extensions procedure
How to stop excessive lash loss?
Luckily, in many cases excessive lash loss can be brought to a stop. Nevertheless, firstly you need to reflect on your lifestyle, which make-up cosmetics, including removers, you use. Do you eat right? Do you get enough sleep? Is your life stressful? Perhaps you have been using a new colour cosmetic or simply you are touched by seasonal hair loss that affects lashes as well? When you finally diagnose the cause of your weakened lash condition and excessive loss, it’s time to take action.
The remedy that acts the fastest and restores fatigued eyelashes which don’t want to extend, is an eyelash growth serum. This is a wondrous and exceptionally effective product that won’t only reinforce eyelashes starting from their bulbs but also considerably accelerates their growth. Also, such product will help your lashes get extended as they have never been before. Furthermore, eyelash growth serum works like a magic wand. It delivers effects really fast, application is simple, and it gathers many positive comments. Women report reaching for eyelash growth serum to reinforce their natural lashes after false extension procedure.
Another method for helping your lashes get back to their healthy state is oral substitution. Indeed, it works gently and effects are rather slow to appear but if you feel that your entire organism has been significantly weaker recently, you must take more vitamins and change your eating habits into more healthy ones. Moreover, it’s also advisable to pay attention to mascara’s composition as well as examine other cosmetic products’ list of ingredients (e.g. make-up removing lotions) to look for lash regenerating and protecting substances.